Luckily, I've found I really enjoy planning and designing my perfect scrapbook, so I'm taking my time and getting it done right.
Of course it wasn't long before I found the world of digital scrapbooking. Reusable supplies, planning and designing on the computer (my fave), and the means to share my life with family members far and near. I got Corel Paint Shop Pro X1 with my new camera and I am really loving learning how to use it for creating scrapbook pages. It's a big learning curve for me, since I keep assuming that all the terms mean the same as the words would in English. I'm learning a whole new language here. It's kinda fun.
So in the coming months, I'll be posting my little experiments. Thankfully, there's tons of help from this fantastic community known as the worldwide web, and I'll be taking advantage of them at every turn. I would like to say thank you in advance to that wonderful online community for giving me the tools I need to take my creativity to the next level. Thank you so much.
Here's one of my first attempts. It is based on the Pink Gavey tutorial found on Kay's tutorial blog. Kay, whoever you are, thanks for helping me with these baby steps. My gratitude also goes out to the writer of the Created by Jill blog for the beautiful digital paper and embellishment kit.